Tuesday, 4 December 2007

The END of the Lie

(Suicide the lie)

History teach many thing, like when depression come to call, it creep in round the back it never knock on the front door it know I am wear, so it Waite in silence

Just when your at your lowest point it start it war cry: no one love you , everybody hate you. Your no good. The Constance lies.

Suicide it like an old friend calling but that another lie, it know your down it pull no punches it want you .The big sleep is what it offer a resting place for all to see. Fool by the lie of despair

The family would miss you, that what said but I have no family and friend there all gone
Dysfunctional that what I am. I know it tell lie. I am a lone and no friend but still I know I need help now, the help come in the form of experience I know death is not the friend it pretend to be

Only death need no food, no rent, no heat, no company the silence of the grave call, give me peace

When it call the loudest that when you need to fight the hardest remember the thing you like the best. What would you miss I just think it time to go now there nothing I would miss. The lover I don’t love. It all a miss. Is there anything I would miss. I told people in this place, change your mind before it to late. I’ve never hear a dead man enjoy that last pint in fact the dead don’t talk drink eat or do anything but go off

There no joy in the eyes of the dead. No sound it a lie, it not an old friend coming to call.. It a thief in the night to steal your time. Make the best of it when it gone there no coming back

Make new friends. look where you can sever and be of use and the true will come, company ship and a new respea will come, new joy and challenges will make a difference your life will once again be meaning full don’t listen to the lie of suicide.

Jason J

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